It is not our differences that divide us.
It is our inability to recognize, accept,
and celebrate those differences.
- Audre Lorde
I am a city that exists in a state that ranks as the 8th worst state to grow up in
if you happen to be African-American.
I am a city that exists in a state that ranks as the 12th best state to grow up in
if you happen to be white.
Will you just let that sink in for a minute? I’ll wait.
I’ve got time.
It’s not like I’m progressing very quickly.
Sometimes it feels like time stands still here.
And sometimes it feels like time moves backwards here.
I mean, I am a city that exists in a state where many have fought hard to ban marriage rights.
And, I am a city that exists in a state where the lack of diversity in certain circles is so commonplace that it’s no longer noticed.
I am a city that needs to start noticing.
I am a city that needs more recognition, acceptance, and celebration of difference, but lately all I see is celebration.
Take a look at who is celebrating.
Now, tell me… where’s the difference?
The difference is not recognized. The difference is not accepted.
The celebration is a dream.
I am a city with no room for dreams.
It’s time to wake up.
This is not the best I can do.
love, fort wayne.